Below you will find pages that utilize the taxonomy term “Jens”
Writer and Editor
I am very happy to finally publish my latest book, Proteogenomics, in Springer. It was a very long process, but together with Abhishek Kumar, we finally finished the job.
List of books I have been involved in
2024 Abhishek Kumar and Allmer J, eds. Proteogenomics: Methods and Protocols, Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, ISBN: 978-1-0716-4151-4, DOI.
2022 Allmer J and Yousef M, eds. miRNomics: MicroRNA Biology and Computational Analysis, Series: Methods in Molecular Biology, Humana Press, ISBN: 978-1-0716-1169-2, DOI.
My name is Jens Allmer. I am a Medical Informatics and Bioinformatics Professor at the Hochschule Ruhr West, University of Applied Sciences in Germany. I studied biology at the University of Münster, the University of Jena, and UPenn. My academic backgrounds include biology, computer science, and some medicine. Checkout Pubmed, Google Scholar, ResearchGate for my track record.
However, this blog is separate from my role as a professor, although I may refer my students here for further information.
Preface for Rampen
For a long time, I have had a story in my mind that I think is worth telling. For whatever reason, I never got around to telling it. I have been trying to learn Dutch for the last couple of years. I went from reading (so similar to German, my native tongue, that I could grasp most everything very quickly) to understanding (took some more effort) quickly enough. However, speaking posed a problem, and before I had a language friend (Dutch: taalmatje), I didn’t really speak much. That changed quickly after some practice. I moved within the Netherlands and found a new taalmatje who recently started requiring me to write small texts before we meet so that we have something to discuss. Instead of writing about trite everyday events, I gave the book a go. This means that once a week, I write a small part of the book, discuss it with my taalmatje, fix the mistakes, and post it here. It will take some time before the trilogy will be finished. Until then, enjoy!